Coaching brings many benefits. First and foremost greater clarity: the ability to see yourself from the other side, as well as to become more aware of the value of your skills, talents, knowledge and experience. Everyone needs a soundboard from time to time. A professional coach is a supportive and impartial outsider you can throw questions and ideas at in a safe and confidential environment. How those topics sound when played back and discussed provides insights that can help you decide on your next steps.
After a career in journalism then PR & communications, in 2015 I qualified as a professional coach in Henley Business School, providing a welcome new addition to the services I offer clients through Media Wise. The decision followed several one-on-one communications training sessions in which clients started asking me personal career questions. I like to help people develop and realise their ambitions and wanted to practice coaching with full awareness of the differences with training. Trainers teach, judge and advise. Coaches listen, guide and provide clarity and encouragement.

With those differences in mind, for individuals wanting to prepare for job interviews I have developed a course that allows me to cross the line to give advice on non-verbal communications, as well to role-play possible interviewer styles. With the coachee’s permission!
My Career Coaching sessions are impartial, non-judgemental, confidential and professional. Coachees can enrol for just one session or for a series. We can hold it walking, talking, at your office, online. Whatever you prefer.
For more information please call me on +31655146437.
Emma Robson.