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English language coaching

How well you speak English can make or break a sales pitch or presentation. Good written English is a persuasive factor in winning important deals. More than that, English is the lingua franca of international business today and a tool vital to you and your organisation’s development. The better your command, the farther you’ll go.

Media Wise provides tailor-made applied English language training courses aimed at helping you to impress in English. The courses are aimed at business executives whose success depends on their ability to write and speak English clearly and professionally. We combine practical writing, presentation and conversation exercises with English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice.

We provide participants with detailed verbal and written performance reviews and record performances to monitor and demonstrate progress. We offer written and verbal language exercises and regular homework too. The courses are run by qualified, experienced native English teachers.

Programme components:

  • Writing in English
  • Presenting in English
  • Conversation
  • Business vocabulary
  • Pronunciation and intonation
  • Grammar

>> Click here to request further information on our trainings.


When it comes to translating, we go a step further than most translation agencies. Every translation we do is double-checked by a native speaker of the target language. Secondly, the final text is given a thorough read-through and edit to ensure it is not only accurate, but also reads well. In translating documents of a legal nature – such as annual reports or articles of association – we stick closely to the reference language: here accuracy of meaning rules over prosody and flow. When translating documents intended for marketing or editorial purposes, however, we give freer rein to our creative editing skills.

Media Wise offers translations from English into the following languages and vice-versa:

  • Dutch
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Media Wise Translation Services